Sunday, 22 April 2012

Term 2, Back to School

I am missing my wonderful class and looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow! These are some of the things you can look forward to doing this term:

Writing- procedures and explanations
Author Study- Dr Seuss
We also have lots of fun activities planned for the Daily 5!

Addition, Subtraction, multiplication, area, fractions, decimals, patterns, position, graphs, volume and capacity.

Science and Technology:
Toys! (this should be lots of fun!)

ANZAC Day and The Way We Were

Christian Discovery:

Visual Arts:
Monet and the Impressionists

Sport and PE:
Athletics, Games and Sports

Music, Drama and PD/H:
Mrs Pope will continue teaching 2F these subjects.

As you can see we are going to have a wonderful term.

Don't forget that everyone has free choice News on Mondays and be prepared for which week you will be speaking on Thursday.

Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow!

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Easter Hat Parade

We had a wonderful time at the Easter Hat Parade! Every child's hat looked amazing, I was very impressed by your creative efforts 2F.
A big congratulations to Niamh who took the prize for best hat!
Have a wonderful an safe holiday 2F!

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

NED Awards of Term 1

Congratulations to all the students that received a NED award during our sport lessons this term. It is great to see so many students who:

Never give up
Encourage others and
Do their best

A special congratulations to the students below who worked very hard to receive the most NED awards this term.