Wednesday 29 February 2012

"From little things big things grow..."

In Science we are learning about Living Things. Last week we planted some climbing bean seeds ad they have already begun to grow! At the moment they are 9 days old. Amelia and Zoe's are the tallest at the moment. How is your seed going?


  1. My plant has not grown, although I have been watering every 2nd day as per instructions.

  2. Dear 2F our plants are growing very well.

  3. dear 2F
    has your seed grow as fast as Amelias and Zoes?
    do you think that it gets enough sun?
    are you happy with it?
    well I am.

  4. Dear 2F, I do not know how much mine is gonna be when we get back to school

  5. Dear 2f i saw the snowpeas on the blog they look very good has any plants grown as fast as Amelia Stockmans and Zoe's plants. Even tho that some of yours hasn't. It still looks like it might grow good if we keep watering it every day till it grows. It will look very good. When it grows i'm sure you will very proud of your self. bye bye 2f

  6. dear 2f, my plant is growing a bit bigger every day.
    from Ebony

  7. Dear 2f has any of your snowpeas grown more than Amelia and Zoe's they are realy big and all of your plants are realy cool.
