Thursday 6 September 2012

Proud Teacher

I would like to take a moment to boast about my fantastic class!
This morning we selected new library books and they were so well behaved. After they chose a book they lay on the rainbow mat reading excitedly. I am so proud to have enthusiastic readers in my class!
Later in the morning we learnt how to add adjectives and adverbs to a boring sentence to make it an interesting sentence. Everyone took part in this eagerly and worked hard to become better writers.
I am super proud of you 2F!!!


  1. Dear: 2F

    I love borrowing Books in the Libary!
    2 of the books I Borrowed are Diary of a Wimpy Kid Rodrick Rules and Zac Power Mega Mission 3

    From: Zack White

    1. Me too Zack, I like reading Diary of a Wimpy Kid The last straw and Zack power.
