Wednesday, 7 March 2012

A Visit from Mr Hibbard!

We are learning about Workers in our Community this term in HSIE. Today we had a special visitor to 1/2DW and 2F, Mr Hibbard. He is a worker in our school community.
2F, please comment and tell me:
What did you learn about Mr Hibbard's role in MACC?
What is his job?
What special things does he use for his job?


  1. Dear 2F,
    Mr Hibbard uses A laptop,i pad,i phone and sticky notes.
    From Grace

  2. Dear 2f,
    Mr Hibbards job is a buisness manarjar for our school he works near mrGrays office.
    From Lachlan

  3. Dear 2F,
    Mr Hibbard's job is to pay the bills and he gets us I pods,I pads and computers for the teachers.
    By Hayden

  4. Dear 2F,
    MR Hibbards job is to pay all the techers and to be the accountant.He also uses sticky notes and to help us pay for all the computers.
    By Noah

  5. Dear 2F,
    Mr Hibbard's job is to make the school run. And he makes shore that there's enough food in the canten.
    From Harry

  6. Dear 2F,
    Mr Hibbard's job is to get the teachers laptops for the school. Mr Hibbard use's laptops and
    ipods, cowclaters.
    From Joshua.

  7. Dear 2F,
    Mr Hibbard's job is to pay the teachers and pay the bill.
    Mr Hibbard use's a ipad,iphone and a imac computer.
    From Zack

  8. Dear 2F,
    Mr hibbard's job is fun for him.
    He users a laptop, ipad, iphone, sticky notes
    and an ipod.
    He likes to go in his office.
    From Ebony

  9. Dear 2f
    mr Hibbards job is the school manager.He has lots of jobs.I bet he loves them all.
    by Tara

  10. Dear 2f,
    Mr Hibbards job is eleclitrie he makes it work.
    by Emily

  11. Dear 2f,

    Mr Hibbard,s job is paying the teachers.
    from Amelia S

  12. Dear 2F,
    Mr Hibbards job at MACC is the buisness manager. The buisness manager in our school loves technolagy. He uses his Ipad, calculator, Iphone 4, sticky notes and his mac book air.
    He also lets us use Ipods in yr 3 Ipads for middle school and senior school.
    From Ben.

  13. Dear 2F,
    Mr Hibbard's job is give the teche muney.
    from Jack

  14. dear 2f,
    It was great he uses stikypads, computers, i pads, coucerlaters His job is a binis maneger
    His name is mr Hibbard he works near mr Grays office He is very nice mr Hibbard isn't he 2f

    By Niamh

  15. Dear 2F,
    Mr Hibbard's job is that pays for the school and that he pays the men and ladys. He has a lot of money and he uses lot of lectrizt.
    from Jack

  16. Dear 2F
    Mr Hibbord'sjob is dowing his work on his ipad
    and he uses the computer and he also uses the
    kalater and he for aou school.
    from Aaron

  17. Dear 2F,
    Mr Hibbard's job the buisness maniger of the whole entier shcool. He uses a ipad2, iphone,sticky notes and a couculater. He makes sure our shcool has enough money to all the teachers and makes sure we have enough money so we can get Ipods.
    From Daniel

  18. Dear 2F,
    MrHibbard'he loves to use his computer and his Iphone and his cawcyulater and Ipad he is realy nice.

    from rhiannon

  19. Dear 2F,
    Mr Hibbard is an accountant and he has a job to
    make the ciassroom as an eletricity.
    from Abigail

  20. dear 2f
    mr hibbard's job is working on the computer and works on his i phon.

  21. Dear 2F,
    Mr Hibbard's job is to pay the bill.
    Pay the teter.Macke evifincke is Dun.


  22. I learnt that Mr Hibbard uses technology,Ipads, Iphone, laptops. He works near Mr Grey's office.

  23. 2f Mrhibbart
    has los ov jobs he pas the bill he mace the shor
    the grass is md

  24. Dear 2f
    I think Mr Hibbards job is quite fun .
    From Noah
